
John Immerwahr

Resume: December 2018



University of Michigan (Philosophy), M.A.  1969; Ph.D. 1972

Princeton University, B.A. 1967


Lawrence Gallen, OSA, Distinguished Faculty Service Award, Villanova University, 2015

Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching, Villanova University, 1992

Featured in Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine Story, “Ten Top Profs,” September, 1986

Silver Medalist in CASE Professor of the Year Award, 1986

Philadelphia Magazine, selected for “84 People to Watch in 1984”

Oakland University, 1974, creation of the John Immerwahr Prize in Philosophy, endowed by a former student

Princeton, 1967, Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude, McCosh Prize in Philosophy


Emeritus Professor, 2016- present

Villanova University, Acting Chair, Department of Philosophy, 2014-15

Villanova University, Philosophy Department Faculty member, 2007-2014

Villanova University, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1996-2007

Villanova University, Chair, Department of Philosophy, 1992-1996

Villanova University, Philosophy Department, 1973-2015

University of Michigan, Visiting Professor, Spring 1992

Oakland University, 1969-1973

Adjunct teaching:

Haverford College (1979)

Graterford Prison (1976)

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Senior Research Fellow, Public Agenda, 1979-2016. Leave of absence from Villanova for spring semester 2013 to work on series of Public Agenda projects on higher education, sponsored by Lumina Foundation.

Research Consultant for Villanova University, Human Organization Science Institute, 1987-1991

Researcher for Ralph Nader’s Congress Project, Washington, DC 1972


Philadelphia Museum of Art, Guide (docent), 2015-present.

Bryn Mawr Hospital, Surgicenter Volunteer, 2016-present.

Tyler Arboretum, Volunteer Trail Maintainer, 2005-present

Trustee Emeritus, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, board member 2002-2016

National Advisory Board, National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), 2006-2010

Board of Directors, Singing City Choir, 2005-2007

Board of Directors, Citizen Advocates of Delaware County, 2002-2005

Advisory Board, Swarthmore College, Music and Dance Festival,1985-87

Board of Advisors, Yellow Springs Fellowship for the Arts, 1980-1982

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Websites, a resource for materials and strategies for teaching philosophy courses

St. Augustine on the Walls.  A brief narrative of the life of St. Augustine, illustrated with the Gozzoli frescoes from the the Church of St. Augustine in San Gimignano and a tour of the Life of St. Augustine windows in the St. Thomas of Villanova Church at Villanova University,

Public Opinion and Public Policy

A Difficult Balance: Trustees Speak About the Challenges Facing Comprehensive Universities, (contributing writer), Public Agenda, 2015.

Seven Practices of Enlightened Leadership in Higher Education, co-authored with Alison Kadlec and Michelle Currie,  Public Agenda, 2013, 12 pp.

Still on the Sidelines: What Role Will Trustees Play in Higher Education Reform? Public Agenda, 2011, 35 pp.

Squeeze Play 2010: Continued Anxiety on Costs, Harsher Judgments on How Colleges are Run, co-authored with Jean Johnson (National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education), 2010, 17 pp. Covered in a variety of national media, including New York Times and Chronicle of Higher Education.

Campus Commons? What Faculty, Financial Officers and Others Think about Controlling College Costs, co-authored with Jean Johnson and Paul Gasbara, (Public Agenda), 2009, 28 pp.

Squeeze Play 2009: The Public’s Views on College Costs Today, co-authored with Jean Johnson (National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education), February 2009, 12 pp. 

The Iron Triangle: College Presidents talk about Cost, Quality, and Access, co-authored with Jean Johnson and Paul Gasbarra (National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education), October, 2008, 48 pp. The concept of the “iron triangle” of cost, quality, and access, seems to have become common parlance in the field, as, for example, in an article by the U.S. Secretary of Education.

What Colleges Must Do To Keep the Public’s Good Will“, op-ed, co-authored with Patrick Callan, Chronicle of Higher Education, January 11, 2008, Vol. 54:18 A56.

Lessons Learned: New Teachers Talk About Their Jobs, Challenges and Long-Range Plans. Issue No. 1: They’re Not Little Kids Anymore: The Special Challenges of New Teachers in High Schools and Middle Schools, one of five co-authors, with Jonathan Rochkind as principal author (Public Agenda), 2007, 34 pp.

Lessons Learned: New Teachers Talk About Their Jobs, Challenges and Long-Range Plans. Issue No. 2: Working Without a Net: How New Teachers from Three Prominent Alternate Route Programs Describe Their First Year on the Job, one of five co-authors, with Jonathan Rochkind as principal author (Public Agenda), 2007, 45 pp.

Squeeze Play: How Parents and the Public Look at Higher Education Today, co-authored with Jean Johnson (National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education), May 2007, 59 pp.

“The View from Inside: Students Discuss Accelerated Learning,” in Accelerated Learning Options: Moving the Needle on Access and Success, co-authored with Steve Farkas (Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education), June 2006, pp 47-56.

The Science of Aging Gracefully: Scientists and The Public Talk about Aging Researchsecondary author with Lucyann Bary, primary authors Alison Kadlec and Ana Maria Arumi (Public Agenda) 2005, 25 pp.

Public Attitudes toward Higher Education: A Trend Analysis, 1993-2003 (National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education), February 2003, 21 pp.

An Impossible Job?  The View from the Urban Superintendent’s Chair, one of six co-authors with Howard L. Fuller as the primary author (Center on Reinventing Public Education, Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington), July 2003, 91 pp.

With Diploma in Hand: Hispanic High School Seniors Talk about Their Future (National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education), June 2003, 36 pp.

Meeting the Competition:  College and University Presidents, Faculty, and State Legislators View the New Competitive Academic Arena (The Futures Project: Policy for Higher Education in a Changing World, and Public Agenda), October, 2002, 36 pp..   An excerpted version of this report is the cover story in University Business, November, 2002, pp. 32-38.

“The View from the Perspective of Early Grant Recipients and Staff Members,” in Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education: The Early Years (National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education), June 2002

Great Expectations: How the Public and Parents – White, African American, and Hispanic – view Higher Education (National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education), May 2000, 51pp.

Doing Comparatively Well: Why the Public Loves Higher Education and Criticizes K-12 (National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education and Institute for Educational Leadership), October 1999.  A summary of this report is reprinted in National Crosstalk, Vol. 8, No 1, Winter 2000.

Waiting for Credible Signals: The Publics Perceptions of Global Warming and Geophysical Research,” (American Geophysical Union, Electronic Publication), June 1999.

Taking Responsibility: Leaders’ Expectations of Higher Education (San Jose: The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education), 1999, 40 pp.

The Price of Admission: The Growing Importance of Higher Education (San Jose: The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education), 1998, 17 pp.

“First Impressions and Second Thoughts: Public Perceptions of Health Care Reform,” forthcoming in Health Policy: Understanding Our Choices from National Reform to Market Force (Boulder: Westview Press), 1997, pp. 121-126.

Enduring Values, Changing Concerns: What Californians Expect from Their Higher Education System (San Jose: The California Higher Education Policy Center), 1997, 31pp.

“American’s Views on Standards,” Background Paper prepared for the IBM/National Governor’s Association Education Summit (March 1996), co-authored with Jean Johnson (New York: Public Agenda Foundation, 1996), 38 pp.

Committed to Change: Missourians Citizens and Public Education (New York: Public Agenda Foundation, 1996), 44 pp.

“On Main Street and in the Boardroom: Public Perceptions of Higher Education,” co-authored with James Harvey in Educational Record, 76:4 (1995), pp. 51-55.

Talking About Children, Report prepared for the Children’s Initiative (New York: Public Agenda Foundation, 1995), 15 pp.

Assignment Incomplete: The Unfinished Business of Education Reform, one of five co-authors with Jean Johnson as principal author (New York: Public Agenda Foundation, 1995), 46 pp.

Goodwill and Growing Worry: Public Perceptions of American Higher Education, co-authored with James Harvey (Washington, DC: American Council of Education, 1995), 38 pp.

The Fragile Coalition: Public Support for Higher Education in the 1990s, co-authored with James Harvey (Washington, DC: American Council of Education, 1995), 46 pp.

“Teaching Values: What does the Public Really Want?” co-authored with Jean Johnson in USA Today (Society for the Advancement of Education), 124:2602 (1995), 90-92.

“What the Public Thinks of Colleges,” co-authored with James Harvey, in The Chronicle of Higher Education, 41:35 (1995), B1-2.

Preserving the Higher Education Legacy: A Conversation with California Leaders, (San Jose: California Higher Education Policy Center, 1995).

The Broken Contract: Connecticut Citizens Look at Public Education, (New Haven: Graustein Memorial Fund, 1994), 33 pp.

First Things First: What Americans Expect from the Public Schools, co-authored with Jean Johnson as principal author (New York: Public Agenda Foundation, 1994), 56 pp.

“The Rules of Public Engagement,” co-authored with Daniel Yankelovich as senior author, in Beyond the Beltway:Engaging the Public In Foreign Policy (New York: W.W. Norton, 1994).

Second Opinions: Americans’ Changing Views on Healthcare Reform, principal author with Jean Johnson (New York: Public Agenda Foundation, 1994), 39 pp.

“Crime and Punishment: A New Look,” The Responsive Community, 3:4 (1993), 58-60.

The Closing Gateway: Californians Consider Their Higher Education System, principal author with Steve Farkas, (San Jose: California Higher Education Policy Center, 1993), 27 pp. Excerpted in Policy Perspectives: The Pew Higher Education Roundtable, 5:2, 5B-6B.

“Testimony on Health Care Reform,” in Comprehensive Health Care Reform and Cost Containment, Hearings before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, S. Hrg. 102-863, Pt.1 (1982), 57-59, 252-256.

“Health Care Rationing: The Public’s Perspective,” EBRI Issue Brief, April 1993, 18-22.

Faulty Diagnosis: Public Perceptions of the Health Care Crisis,” principal author with Jean Johnson and Adam Kernan-Schloss, (New York: Public Agenda Foundation, 1992), 27 pp.

“A Perception Gap,” co-authored with Daniel Yankelovich as senior author, Health Management Quarterly 13:3 (1991), 11-14.

“Public Opinion,” co-authored with Teresa Nance, in Civitas: A Framework for Civic Education (Calabasas: Center for Civic Education, 1991), 568-579.

Crosstalk: the Public, the Experts and Competitiveness, principal author with Jean Johnson and Adam Kernan-Schloss, (Washington, DC:Business-Higher Education Forum, 1991), 27 pp.

The Public, the Soviets and Nuclear Arms: An Experiment in Public Judgment, co-authored with Daniel Yankelovich as senior author, (New York: Public Agenda Foundation, 1989), 61 pp.

Saving: Good or Bad? Public Attitudes toward Saving, Investment, and Competitiveness (New York: Public Agenda Foundation, 1989), 16 pp.

“The Future of U.S.-Soviet Relations: A Public Perspective,” The Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 1:1 (1988), 1-10.

Listening to Chester: A Survey of Attitudes About Chester, Pennsylvania, (Villanova: Human Organization Science Institute, 1986), 29 pp.

“Building a Consensus on the Childcare Problem” in Personnel Administration, February 1984, 31-37.

“Workplace Realities and Values,” co-authored with Daniel Yankelovich as senior author, Personnel Administration, December (1983), 34-40, also reprinted in Work in the 21st Century (Washington, DC: American Society for Personnel Administration, 1984), 11-24.

The World at Work, one of eight co-authors (New York: Octagon Books, 1984).

Putting the Work Ethic to Work, co-authored with Daniel Yankelovich as senior author, (New York: Public Agenda Foundation, 1983), 43 pp. Excerpts from this work have been widely reprinted in journals such asIndustry Week, Managers and Boards, Dialogue, and MIT Technology Review.

“Public Attitudes toward Freedom of Expression,” principal author with John Doble, Public Opinion Quarterly 46 (1982), 177-194.

Comment on Sullivan, et. al. “An Alternative Conception of Political Tolerance,” American Political Science Review 74 (1980), 781-83.

The Speaker and the Listener: A Public Perspective on Freedom of Expression, principal author with Jean Johnson and John Doble (New York: Public Agenda Foundation, 1980), 66 pp.

“The Public Views South Africa,” co-authored with Deborah Barron Public Opinion, January/February (1979), 54-59.

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History of Philosophy

Hume the Sociable Iconoclast: the Case of the Four Dissertations,” co-authored with Jacob Sider-Jost as primary author in The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, June, 2013, p. 2-16.

“Hume’s Aesthetic Theism,” Hume Studies, 22:2 (1996), 325-38.

Introduction to David Hume’s Four Dissertations, Thoemmes Press, 1995. This edition of Four Dissertations has since been republished as a part of a  larger Hume volume entitled, Four Dissertations and Essays on Suicide and Immortality of the Soul, St. Augustine’s Press, 2001.

“Hume’s Dissertation on the Passions,” The Journal of the History of Philosophy 32:2 (1994), 225-240.

“Hume’s Revised Racism,” The Journal of the History of Ideas 53:3 (1992), 481-86.

“Hume on Tranquilizing the Passions,” Hume Studies 18:2 (1992), 293-314. Also reprinted in David Hume: Critical Assessments, ed. Stanley Tweyman (New York, Routledge, 1994).

“The Anatomist and the Painter: The Continuity of Hume’s Treatise and Essays,” Hume Studies 17:1 (1991), 1-14.

“Hume’s Essays on Happiness,” Hume Studies 15:2 (1989), 307-324.

“David Hume on Incompatible Religious Beliefs,” International Studies in Philosophy 14 (1984), 25-33. Also reprinted in David Hume: Critical Assessments, ed. Stanley Tweyman (New York, Routledge, 1994).

“The Persistence of the Four Temperaments,” co-authored with John A. Doody, Soundings 66:3 (1983), 348-358.

“Hume, Sexism, and Sociobiology,” Southern Journal of Philosophy 21:3 (1983), 359-69.

“Descartes’ Two Cosmological Proofs,” New Scholasticism 76:2 (1982), 346-354.

“Hume’s Self-criticism,” Southern Journal of Philosophy 18:1 (1980), 169-76.

“God and Morality in Hume’s Suppressed Essays,” International Studies in Philosophy 11 (1979), 91-102.

“A Skeptic’s Progress,” McGill Hume Studies (San Diego: Austin Hill Press, 1979), 227-238.

“An Interpretation of Zeno’s Stadium Paradox,” Phronesis (1978), 22-26.

“The Development of Reid’s Realism,” Monist 61:2 (1978), 245-265.

“The Failure of Hume’s Treatise,” Hume Studies 3:3 (1977), 57-69.

“Berkeley’s Causal Thesis,” New Scholasticism 68:2 (1974), 153-170.

Teaching and Learning

“Teaching Real World Writing,” National Teaching and Learning Forum, 23:3 (2014), 5-7.

“Grades: Definitive Picture or Just a Snapshot,” in Philosophy Through Teachingi, ed. Emily Esch, Kevin Hernmberg, Rory Kraft (Charlottesville: Philosophy Documentation Center), 2014, 79-84.

The Case for Motivational Grading,” Teaching Philosophy, 34:4 (2011), 335-346.

A Legacy of Innovation,” Change Magazine, July-August 2012,

“Student Group Website Projects in Introductory Philosophy Classes,” American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy, 10:1 (2010), 2-6.

“A Final Examination on Grading,” National Teaching and Learning Forum, 19:2 (2010), 4-5.

Engaging the ‘Thumb Generation’ with Clickers,Teaching Philosophy, 32:3 (2009), 233-245.

Teaching in the Inspiration of St. Augustine: Seven Augustinian Principles,” National Teaching and Learning Forum, 18:4 (2009), 5-8.

Augustine’s Advice to College Teachers: Ever Ancient, Ever New,” Metaphilosophy, 39:4-5 (2008), 658-665.

Review Article: by Jonathan Bennett,Teaching Philosophy 31.3 (2008), 277-282.

“Learning Communities and Integrated Seminars as Sites for Addressing the Divided Self” co-author with Kathleen Byrnes and Marylu Hill, in Henshield, J.M. (Ed.),  Integrating the First-Year Experience: The Role of Learning Communities In First-Year Seminars (Monograph No. 39), Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina, pp 187-196.

“The Socratic Classroom: Classroom Communication Strategies,” Journal of Management Systems 6:1 (1994), 37-44.

Race and the Modern Philosophy Course,” principal author with Michael Burke, Teaching Philosophy 16:1 (1993), 21-34.

“Asking Questions,” Metaphilosophy 22:4 (1991), 364-377; an earlier version of this was published as “A Taxonomy of Questions” in The Newsletter of the American Association of Philosophy Teachers 14:1 (1991), 5-8.

“Incorporating Gender Issues in Modern Philosophy Courses,” Teaching Philosophy 22:4 (1990), 364-377, also published in Polish in Edukacja Filozoficzna 12 (1991), 175-186.

“The Locke Game,” co-authored with Sean McCann, Catherine Murphy, and Robert Zampetti, Teaching Philosophy 6:1 (1983), 31-39.

“The Hobbes Game,” Teaching Philosophy 1:4 (1976), 435-39.

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“Microcomputer Politics,” in The Written Word and the Word Processor (Villanova University, 1984). Reprinted in Collegiate Microcomputers, November 1986.

“Numbers” and “Nouns,” computer programs for preschoolers for Zenith CP/M computers, co-developed with Edward Byrnes, marketed by Intuitive Logic, 1984

Book Reviews

The Journal of the History of Philosophy, Dialogue, International Studies in Philosophy, Canadian Philosophical Reviews, Philosophical Review, Review of Metaphysics, Computers in the Humanities,Teaching Philosophy, APA Teaching Philosophy Newsletter.


“Mind the Gap: Understanding the Disconnects in Teaching and Learning,” invited speaker for the Annual All-faculty Meeting, University of Tulsa, January 5, 2012.

“Wadjaget? Grades and Grading,” Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching and Learning, Bethesda, Md., June 4, 2011.

“Mind the Gap: Understanding and Overcoming Obstacles to Learning,” Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Texas, Austin, February 28, 2011.

“Weighing In: Public Perceptions and the Higher Education Policy Debate,” National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, Associates Meeting, Santa Fe, February 13, 2011.

“Talking about Grades,” and “Using Audience Response Devices (“Clickers”) in Philosophy Courses,” American Association of Philosophy Teachers Bi-Annual Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC, July 29-August 2, 2010.

“Student Generated Web-Projects in the Humanities,” Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching and Learning, Washington, DC, June 4, 2010.

“The Fractured Conversation: the Dialogue on Higher Education Reform,” Advisory Committee on Higher Education Cost Efficiencies, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, interactive video presentation, January 12, 2010.  Also presented at the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education Associates Meeting, Santa  Fe, January 20, 2010, and the meeting of the Council of Independent Colleges and Universities of New York, March 2, 2010.

“Using Audience Response Devices (Clickers) in Philosophy Classes,” American Philosophical Associations, Central Division Meeting, Chicago, February 19, 2010.

“Shifting Ground: Trends in Opinion about Higher Education,” Opportunity Grant Program Academy, of the Making Opportunity Affordable Initiative Lumina Foundation, one of three panelists, Denver, June 10, 2009.

“Overcoming Resistances: Connecting First-Year Students with Higher Level Learning,” presentation to Lilly-East Conference on College and University Teaching, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, April 16, 2009.

“College Costs: Establishing a Positive and Constructive Dialogue with the Public,” presentation to the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, April 7, 2009.

“Higher Education: The Fractured Dialogue,” presentation for the National Conference of State Legislatures, Denver, November 22, 2008.  Also presented to the Higher Education Government Relations Conferences, sponsored by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, San Diego, December 12, 2008.

Panelist at closing session for Difficult Dialogues, Rewarding Solutions: The Imperative to Expand Postsecondary Opportunities While Controlling Costs, Midwest Higher Education Compact, November 18, 2008, Minneapolis, MN.

“Thinking Like an Ancient Philosopher: Lessons from Plato’s Cave,” presentation for OneDay University, Villanova, November 2, 2008.

“The Big Ten: Ten Challenges Facing Higher Education.” Presentation to the Combined Board of Trustees, College of St. Benedict/St. John�s University, Collegeville, MN, May 19, 2008 (followed by presentation to College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University faculty and staff retreat, August 20, 2008). Also presented at Holy Family University, Newtown, PA, February 12, 2009.

“Increasing Importance, Declining Availability: Public Attitudes on Higher Education,” Presented to National Conference of State Legislatures, Denver, October 11, 2007.   Also presented to National Association of University System Heads (NASH), Washington, DC, October 23, 2007.

“Themes in Public Opinion Research on Higher Education,” presented to National Center for Higher Education Policy, Associates Meeting, Santa February 10, 2007.  Also presented at the National Conference of State Legislatures, February 17, 2007.

“Higher Education Reform: Ready or Not,” presentation to the National Forum on Education Policy, Education Commission of the States, Orlando, July 15, 2004

“Public Attitudes toward Higher Education: Troubles Ahead,” presentation to the National Conference of State Legislatures, Institute on Strategies to Preserve Higher Education Access and Affordability, Denver, November 22, 2004

“Engaging the Public on Human Services,” presentation to the New Haven Non-profit Forum, New Haven, May 2, 2003.

“With Diploma in Hand: Hispanic High School Students talk about their Future,” presentation to National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, Santa Fe, April 12, 2003.

“Great Expectations: Public Perceptions of Higher Education,” keynote address to AIR/CASE Research Colloquium, New Orleans, April 22, 2002.

“Public Attitudes toward Reentry,” joint presentation (with Jean Johnson) to the roundtable meeting on “Prisoner Reentry and the Institutions of Civil Society,” Urban Institute, Washington, DC, March 21, 2001.

“Competition and Higher Education,” panelist for plenary session at the American Association of Higher Education meeting, Chicago, March 19, 2002.

“Teflon and Velcro: Why the Public is Soft on Higher Education and Tough on K-12,” presentations to National Conference of State Legislators, Washington, DC, December 5, 2001, and Palm Springs, February 15, 2002.

“Competition in Higher Education: Preliminary Findings on Leadership Attitudes,” presentation to Futures Project Advisory Board, Brown University, December 8, 2001.

“Teflon and Velcro: Why the Public is Soft on Higher Education and Tough on K-12,” National Conference of State Legislators, Washington, DC, December 5, 2001

“Academic Integrity in a Changing Environment,” American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business, Associate Dean’s Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, December 3, 2001 (Co-presented with Dr. Victoria McWilliams)

“The American Public: Ten Years of Public Opinion Research,” National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, Airlie House, Airlie, Virginia, May 5, 2001.

“Taking account of the Public’s Opinions about Higher Education,” Hechinger Institute (Teachers College, Columbia University), Denver, June 2, 2000.

“Great Expectations: the Public and Higher Education,” Pennsylvania Education Policy Forum, Harrisburgh, PA, May 9, 2000.

“Perceptions of Higher Education,” Knight Foundation meeting of higher education funders, at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC, January 20, 2000.

“Skating on Thin Ice: Perceptions of Higher Education,” National Association for State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, San Francisco, November 9, 1999.

“Growing up Fast: Public Perceptions of Child Care and Early Education,” presentation to the Packard Foundation, Los Altos, California, October 20, 1999.

“Managing Change,” keynote address, Annual Faculty Convocation of Valpariso University, August 20, 1999.

“Waiting for a Credible Signal,” American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Boston, June 6, 1999.

“K-16: Public and Leadership Attitudes,” Keynote Address, National Conference of State Legislators, Santa Fe, NM, February, 27, 1999.

“Affordability of Higher Education,” Hechinger Institute (Teachers College, Columbia University), San Francisco, February 13, 1999.

Participant in Special Round Table on Public Policy and Higher Education, National Center for Higher Education Policy, Santa Cruz, April 25-26, 1998.

“Building Support for School Health Programs,” Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington, DC, March 13, 1998.

“Higher Education: The view from Main Street,” Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, Management Institute for Senior Management Professionals, Washington, DC, November 6, 1997.

“Three Destructive Trends,” Lovable Communities Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, October, 23, 1997.

“Removing the Obstacles to Learning,” presentation for Senior School Managers, at the National Association of School Boards Annual Meeting in Annaheim California, April 26, 1997.

“Understanding the Context,” participant in round-table discussion. National Education Association meeting, Phoenix, March 22, 1997.

“Exploring the Value of Public Dialogue,” keynote address to the conference of the Commission on Public Health Care Values and Priorities, Montpelier, Vermont, December 3, 1996.

“What do our Constituents think of Higher Education?” One of three keynote Panelists at the August 1996 convention of the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education in San Diego California.

“Public Engagement and Public Education,” presentation to the 1996 Summer Institute of the Council of Chief State School Officers, Park City, Utah, July 28, 1996.

“Public Engagement: Theory and Practice,” presentation to the Danforth Foundation Forum for the American Superintendent, St. Louis, June 27, 1996, also Denver, July 12, 1996.

“Committed to Change,” Missouri Partnership for Outstanding Schools, St. Louis, February 27, 1996.

“Public Engagement,” presentation at workshop on Improving Results for Children, workshop sponsored by the Danforth Foundation and the National Conference of State Legislatures, Phoenix, January 18, 1995.

“Public Engagement and Public Education,” workshop for division heads of Kentucky Department of Education, Louisville, December 8, 1995.

“First Things First,” Wisconsin Education Association Council, Wisconsin Dells, September 26, 1995.

“Skating on Thin Ice: Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education,” keynote address to combined faculties of St. John’s University and The College of St. Benedict, St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota, August 30, 1995.

“The Broken Contract,” presentation to Success for All Students workshop of the Danforth Foundation, St. Louis, June 23, 1995.

“Workshops on The Broken Contract,” sponsored by Connecticut Association of Boards of Education, in Meriden, New London, Bridgeport, and Fairfield, May 9-11, 1995.

“Broken Promises: the Dialogue on Education,” Center for School Study Councils, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, March 6, 1995.

“The Fragile Coalition,” presentations with Jim Harvey, Business-Higher Education Forum, Tucson, February 9, 1985, American Council of Education, San Francisco, February 10, 1995.

“Public Opinion: Does Anyone Care about the Health of Urban Populations?” panel discussion, The New York Academy of Medicine, New York, NY, December 13, 1994.

“Health Reform Public Opinion Polls: Do They Tell us Anything?” panel discussion, University of Michigan Forum on Health Policy Reform, Ann Arbor, MI, October 21, 1994.

“Leadership Perspectives on Higher Education in California,” Board of Directors, California Higher Education Policy Center, San Francisco, CA, October 7, 1994.

“Higher Education: Leadership Perspectives,” Board of Directors, American Council of Education, Washington, DC, September 29, 1994.

“The Public’s School,” Board of the Graustein Memorial Fund, New Haven, CT, June 30, 1994.

Invited participant at the seminar on Public Policy Information, Museum of Broadcasting, convened by the Markle Foundation, New York, May 18, 1994.

“Commitment to Access and Affordability,” panel discussion participant at the national convention of the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, Washington, DC, April 18, 1994.

“Second Opinions,” National Press Club, Washington, DC, February 24, 1994, 1994.

“A Second Opinion on Health Care,” presentation to the officers and staff of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, New Jersey, January 18, 1994.

“First Impressions and Second Thoughts,” presentation to the Board of Directors of the American Council on Education, Washington, DC, October 5, 1993.

“Hard Choices and Easy Choices,” Medical College of Pennsylvania, September 20, 1993.

“The Closing Gateway,” presentations and press conference, State Capitol Building, Sacramento, September 27, 1993.

Participant in the Eighty Third American Assembly, “Beyond the Beltway: New Directions in Foreign Policy,” sponsored by Columbia University at Arden House, June 4-6, 1993.

“Good News and Growing Worry,” presentation to the Board of Directors of the American Council on Education, San Diego, January 27, 1993.

“Health Care Reform,” testimony to United States Senate Committee on Finance, Washington, DC, June 1992.

“Health Care Rationing,” Symposium of Employee Benefits Research Institute, Washington, DC, October 1992.

“Faulty Diagnosis,” California Health Care Parliament, Sacramento, June 1992.

“Whither Health Care Reform: a Roundtable,” National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., May 1992.

“Race and Gender in Modern Philosophy,” Oakland University, March 1992.